

5 kommentarer:

  1. Very nice photos, Simone! Also - what is the t-shirt Rob's wearing there? I can see it's like an "I (heart) NZ" one... but the heart looks like an asterisk and two circles... how come?

  2. just came across your blog - these must be from Vor Frelser Kirke :) is it worth the many stairs?

  3. Pippin, it's a Huffer t-shirt that my younger sister got me for my birthday. About 10 years ago they did a very similar series of the t-shirt.

  4. Thanks Pippin! And, there you have your answer :)

    @tschitschi: yes, they are. It really is worth it, you should go on a sunny day though.
    I'm glad you commented, it gave me a chance to see your blog, which is really nice! I hope you're enjoying Denmark.
